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  • Preprints

A.C. da Cruz, C.P.E. de Souza, and P.H.T.O. Sousa. Fast Bayesian basis selection for functional data representation with correlated errors. Preprint available at arXiv.

Z. Shirazi, P.A. Rangel, and C.P.E. de Souza. Model-based clustering of zero-inflated single-cell RNA sequencing data via the EM algorithm. Preprint available at arXiv.

C. Xian, C.P.E. de Souza, W. He, F.F. Rodrigues, and R. Tian. Fast variational Bayesian inference for correlated survival data: an application to invasive mechanical ventilation duration analysis. Preprint available at arXiv:

Ana Carolina da Cruz and Camila P. E. de Souza, A Bayesian Approach for Clustering Constant-wise Change-point Data, arXiv preprint,

Pedro Henrique T. O. Sousa, Camila P. E. de Souza, Ronaldo Dias. Bayesian Adaptive Selection of Variables for Function-on-Scalar Regression Models. arXiv preprint arXiv:2303.03521,

  • Published (and accepted) manuscripts 
  1. ​Negar Safinianaini, Camila P.E. De Souza, Andrew Roth, Hazal Koptagel, Hosein Toosi, Jens Lagergren, (2024)
    CopyMix: Mixture model based single-cell clustering and copy number profiling using variational inference,
    Computational Biology and Chemistry. Published online.
  2. R.C.A. Vieira, R.M.C. de Sousa, W.S. Paiva, L.Z. Pipek, D.V. de Oliveira, D.A. Godoy, C.P.E. de Souza, J.L. Stubbs, W.J. Panenka (2024). Predicting outcomes in patients with diffuse axonal injury: external validation of the widely used prognostic instruments. Annali
    Italiani di Chirurgia, 95(3), 382–390.
  3. Xian, Chengqian, Camila de Souza, John Jewell and Ronaldo Dias (2024) Clustering Functional Data via Variational Inference.  Advances in Data Analysis and Classification. Published online.
  4. Rita de Cássia A. Vieira, Gabriela L. de Barros, Wellingson S. Paiva, Daniel V. de Oliveira, Camila P. E. de Souza, Eduesley Santana-Santos & Regina M. C. de Sousa (2024) Severe traumatic brain injury and acute kidney injury patients: factors associated with in-hospital mortality and unfavorable outcomes, Brain Injury, DOI: 10.1080/02699052.2024.2304885

  5. Xian, Chengqian, de Souza, C. P. E., He, W., Rodrigues, F. F., Rian, R., (2024) Variational Bayesian analysis of survival data using a log-logistic accelerated failure time model. Statistics and Computing, Volume 34, 67.

  6. Yawo M. Kobara, Megan Wismer, Felipe F. Rodrigues & Camila P. E. de Souza (2023) Invasive mechanical ventilation duration prediction using survival analysis, International Journal of Healthcare Management, DOI: 10.1080/20479700.2023.2295111

  7. Yawo M. Kobara, Felipe F. Rodrigues, Camila P. E. de Souza & David Stanford (2023) ICU patient flow: To premature step-down or not? A simulation analysis, International Journal of Healthcare Management, DOI: 10.1080/20479700.2023.2266637
  8. Chengqian Xian, Camila P.E. de Souza, Felipe F. Rodrigues (2023), Health outcome predictive modelling in intensive care units, Operations Research for Health Care, Volume 39,100409,
  9. Ngui, Y. D., Najafi, M. R., de Souza, Camila, Sills, D. (2023), Probabilistic Assessment of Concurrent Tornado and Storm-Related Flash Flood (TORFF) Events. Accepted and to appear at the International Journal of Climatology.

  10. Pedro Henrique T. O. Sousa, Camila P. E. de Souza, Ronaldo Dias (2023) Bayesian adaptive selection of basis functions for functional data representation, Journal of Applied Statistics,

  11. Gabriel Franco, Camila P. E. de Souza, Nancy L Garcia, (2023) Aggregated functional data model applied on clustering and disaggregation of UK electrical load profiles, Journal of the Royal Statistical Society Series C: Applied Statistics, Volume 72, Issue 1, Pages 48–75,

  12. D. Chen*, G.S. Randhawa, M.P. Soltysiak, C.P.E. de Souza, L. Kari, S.M. Singh, and K.A. Hill (2022). Mutational patterns observed in SARS-CoV-2 genomes sampled from successive epochs delimited by major public health events in Ontario, Canada: Genomic surveillance
    study. JMIR Bioinform Biotech, 3(1), 1–18.

  13. D.V. de Oliveira, R.d.C.A. Vieira, L.Z. Pipek, R.M.C. de Sousa, C.P.E. de Souza, E. Santana-Santos, and W.S. Paiva (2022). Long-term outcomes in severe traumatic brain injury and associated factors: A prospective cohort study. Journal of Clinical Medicine, 11(21), 1–18.

  14. Chies-Santos, A. L., de Souza, R. S., Caso, J. P., Ennis, A. I., de Souza, C. P. E., Barbosa, R. S., et al., (2022) J-PLUS: A catalogue of globular cluster candidates around the M81/M82/NGC3077 triplet of galaxies. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society (MNRAS), 516, 1320–1338.

  15. Moazamigoodarzi, S., Na, W., Najafi, M. R., de Souza, C., (2022) Spatiotemporal bias adjustment of IMERG satellite precipitation data across Canada, Advances in Water Resources, Volume 168, 104300,

  16. Kobara, Y. M., Rodrigues, F. F., de Souza, C. P.E., Stanford, D. A. (2022). Intensive care unit/step-down unit queuing game with length of stay decisions. Operations Research for Health Care, 100349,

  17. Aghahosseinalishirazi, Z., da Silva, J. P., de Souza, C. P. E., (2022) Parameter estimation for grouped data using EM and MCEM algorithms, Communications in Statistics – Simulation and Computation. Published online at

  18. de Cássia Almeida Vieira, R., Silveira, J. C. P., Paiva, W. S., de Oliveira, D. V., de Souza, C. P. E., Santana-Santos, E.,  de Sousa, R. M. C. (2022). Prognostic Models in Severe Traumatic Brain Injury: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis. Neurocritical Care, 1-16,

  19. Sills, D. M. L., Durfy, C. S., de Souza, C. P. E. (2022). Are significant tornadoes occurring later in the year in southern Ontario? Geophysical Research Letters, 49,

  20. Chen, D., Randhawa, G.S., Soltysiak, M.P.M., de Souza, C.P.E., Kari, L., Singh, S.M., Hill, K.A. (2022), SomaticSimu: A mutational signature simulator. Bioinformatics, 38 (9),

  21. Evelyn Vingilis, Jane S. Seeley, Patricia Di Ciano, Christine Wickens, Robert E. Mann, Gina Stoduto, Tara Elton-Marshall, Branka Agic, Camila de Souza, André McDonald, Jason Gilliland, Tanya Charyk Stewart, (2021) Systematic Review of the Effects of Cannabis Retail Outlets on Traffic Collisions, Fatalities and other Traffic-related Outcomes. Journal of Transport & Health, Vol. 22.

  22. P. E. de Souza C*, Andronescu M*, Masud T, Kabeer F, Biele J, et al. (2020) Epiclomal: Probabilistic clustering of sparse single-cell DNA methylation data. PLOS Computational Biology 16(9): e1008270. *Authors contributed equally to this work.

  23. Randhawa, Gurjit S., Maximillian P.M. Soltysiak, Hadi El Roz, Camila P. E. de Souza, Kathleen A. Hill, and Lila Kari, Machine learning using intrinsic genomic signatures for rapid classification of novel pathogens: COVID-19 case study. PLOS ONE. 

  24. Santos, E.S., de Morais Oliveira, C.D., Menezes, I.R.A., do Nascimento, E.P., Correia, D.B., de Alencar, C.D.C., de Fátima Sousa, M., Lima, C.N.F., Monteiro, Á.B., de Souza, C.P.E. and de Araújo Delmondes, G., 2019. Anti-Inflammatory Activity of herb products from Licania rigida Benth. Complementary Therapies in Medicine.

  25. Zhang, A. W., McPherson A., Milne, K., Kroeger, D. R., Hamilton, P. T., Miranda, A., Funnell, T., Little, N., de Souza C. P. E., Laan, S., LeDoux, S., Cochrane, D. R., Lim, J. L. P., Yang, W.,  Roth, A., et al., (2018) Interfaces of malignant and immunologic clonal dynamics in ovarian cancer. Cell.

  26. Farahani, H.*, de Souza, C. P. E.*, Billings, R.*, Yap, D., Shumansky, K., Wan, A., Lai, D., Mes-Masson, A-M., Aparicio, S., Shah, S. P., Engineered in-vitro cell line mixtures and robust evaluation of computational methods for clonal decomposition and longitudinal dynamics in cancer, Nature Scientific Reports 7(1), 13467. *Authors contributed equally to this work.

  27. de Souza, C. P. E., Heckman, N. E. and Xu, F., (2017) Switching nonparametric regression models for multi-curve data, The Canadian Journal of Statistics, 45, 442-460.

  28. McPherson, A., Roth, A., Ha, G., Chauve, C., Steif, A., de Souza, C. P. E., Eirew, P., Bouchard-Côté, A., Aparicio, S., Sahinalp, S., and Shah, S., (2017) ReMixT: Clone Specific Genomic Structure Estimation in Cancer, Genome Biology, 18(1), 140

  29. Lenzi, A., de Souza, C. P. E., Dias, R., Garcia, N. L. and Heckman, N. E. (2017) Analysis of aggregated functional data from mixed populations with application to energy consumption, Environmetrics, 28(2)

  30. Eirew, P., Steif, A., Jaswinder, K., Ha, G., Yap, D., Farahani, H., Gelmon, K., Chia, S., Mar, C., Wan, A., Laks, E., Biele, J., Shumansky, K., Rosner, J., McPherson, A., Nielsen, C., Roth, A., Lefebvre C., Bashashati, A., de Souza, C., Siu, C., Aniba, R., Brimhall, J., Oloumi, A., Osako, T., Bruna, A., Sandoval, J.,  Algara, T., Greenwood, W., Leung, K., Cheng, H., Xue, H., Wang, Y., Lin, D., Mungall, A., Moore, R., Zhao, Y., Lorette, J., Nguyen, L., Huntsman, D., Eaves, C. J., Hansen, C., Marra, M. A., Caldas, C., Shah, S. P., Aparicio, S. (2015)  Dynamics of genomic clones in breast cancer patient xenografts at single cell resolution, Nature 518, 422–426

  31. De Souza, C. P. E. and Heckman, N. E. (2014) Switching nonparametric regression models, Journal of Nonparametric Statistics, 26(4), 617-637 (winner of the 2014 Journal of Nonparametric Statistics Best Student Paper Award).

  • Conference Proceedings 

R.S. Barbosa, C.P.E. de Souza, and G. Ribeiro, (2023). On the Prediction of Critical Heat Flux via Generalized Additive Models. In Proceedings of the 27th International Congress of Mechanical Engineering (COBEM). ABCM. Florianópolis, SC, Brazil. December 4–8, 2023.

Adjei, P., Sethi, N. S., de Souza, C.P.E. and Capretz, M.A.M., (2020) Energy Disaggregation using Multilabel Binarization and Gaussian Naive Bayes Classifier. Proceeding of the 2020 11th IEEE Annual Ubiquitous Computing, Electronics & Mobile Communication Conference (UEMCON).

Safinianaini, N., de Souza, C. P. E., Bostrom, H., and Lagergren, J., (2020) Orthogonal Mixture of Hidden Markov Models. Proceedings of the European Conference on Machine Learning and Principles and Practice of Knowledge Discovery in Databases (ECML-PKDD) 2020. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 12457. Springer, Cham.

  • Others 

Shirazi, R., de Souza, C. P. E., Kashef, R. and Rodrigues, F. F., (2020) Deep Learning in the Healthcare Industry: Theory and Applications, Book Chapter. In Computational Intelligence and Soft Computing Applications in Healthcare Management Science (pp. 220-245). IGI Global.

De Souza, C. P. E. and Dias, R. (2010) Introdução à Análise de Dados Funcionais (Introduction to Functional Data Analysis). Monograph from the 19th National Symposium of Probability and Statistics (135 pages). Published by Associação Brasileira de Estatística (Brazilian Association of Statistics), São Paulo, Brazil.

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